Fall in Love with God's Word

Online Missionary

I’m on mission to help grow compassionate and resilient disciples by equipping people to read God's Word widely, study it deeply, and live it out radically

Will you join me in the mission with your prayers and tax-deductible financial support?


The Vision

Compassionate and resilient disciples who share Jesus’ love with others!

Image from an IGNITE group daily gathering

The Opportunity

I’ve been doing online ministry for years now, but never imagined the way discipleship opportunities would explode as a result of COVID and Zoom.

This past year, I’ve seen God-sized opportunities and have been praying about how to respond and what next steps to take. I believe God answered directly by raising up a small prayer team first. Shortly after, my pastor approached me about becoming an online missionary and doing leader development at our local church. At that point, the path forward was clear. Easy? No. Clear? Yes.

Long story, short: With my resources alone, I can reach some; with God’s resources through partners, we can reach many.


The Cost

Contrary to popular belief, online ministry always costs someone and the greater the reach, the higher the cost. Hosting sites, data management, necessary app subscriptions, and other soft- and hardware costs add up quickly. In order to be able to provide more resources at no cost and others at a nominal cost, I’ve opted to ask other like-minded people to partner with me in this mission.


The Team

When you partner with me, you’ll be donating through my local church, New Hope Christian Community, but to a separate fund designated specifically for my ministry. Your gift will be fully tax deductible. The elders of New Hope oversee and give spiritual guidance to my ministry.

I’m trusting God to raise up the team that He has prepared in advance for this mission—a team that will give, that will pray, that will encourage, and that will faithfully live as compassionate, resilient disciples!


Make a Difference!

Your partnership can make a difference in building compassionate and resilient disciples who will stand firm and share the love of Jesus.